UnleashingtheAnimal Read online
Page 4
“Fine, Shane, if what you say is true then prove it.”
“What?” he asked in surprise.
“Prove it,” she said again.
Shane didn’t see how it could make things worse at this point and, after all, she liked the wolf. Maybe it would reassure her and she was guaranteed to believe him then.
His decision made, he stood and popped the button open on his jeans. She blinked up at him and then scooted away as far as she could on the bed.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“I’m going to show you proof of what I’m talking about so you don’t think I’m crazy,” he said, kicking his boots off.
“Apparently I’m not the only crazy one around here,” she mumbled.
“What do you mean by that?” he asked, stopping in the middle of pulling his jeans off to look up at her.
“Nothing,” she said as she turned her face away.
He had a feeling she had meant her comment literally but he figured it wasn’t the time to discuss it.
Dropping his boxers, he glanced up to see if she was watching him. She was. Her eyes were big in her face, the bright-amber color shining back at him.
Going to his knees next to the bed, but not too close, he called his inner wolf. He came snarling from within, desperate to be loose. Shane controlled the animal side of him, but barely. The smell of Blair so near called to his wolf and made him harder to control.
He felt the burning in his veins and the stretching in his bones, moving to accommodate his different form.
Within seconds he stood before her as a black wolf, peering at her out of dark-green eyes. The only part of him that didn’t change.
He watched her closely as she stared back at him. The emotions ran across her face as fast as butterfly wings. He had trouble trying to keep up with her. Denial, then terror that cut him deep and then acceptance.
Quietly she said, “Okay, I believe you now.”
He couldn’t answer her as the wolf so he quickly changed back to his human form. But the wolf wasn’t happy at being denied his freedom after so short of a time and it took all he had to reign him in.
Blair watched as Shane pulled his boxers and jeans back on. He acted like it was no big deal while her mind was running rampant. If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes she would never believe that he could shift into a wolf. He had certainly taken her challenge to prove it to heart. Now the joke was on her. But she couldn’t think straight while she was tied up.
“Untie me, Shane.”
This time he didn’t deny her and came to the bed to release her. “We aren’t done talking, Blair,” he warned her.
It was as if she had been dropped in the middle of a horror flick. Suddenly the enormity of the situation hit her and she felt a healthy dose of fear. But she wasn’t afraid of Shane. It was something else altogether, like a tickle in her mind that wouldn’t come to the surface.
It seemed Shane was the only one with the answers.
He untied her legs first and then moved to her arms. As soon as her limbs were free she felt a surge of energy rolling inside her. Her body responded instantly and she was on her feet beside the bed in a split second.
Rage quickly took over. How dare he? He may be a wolf but she was no longer afraid of him. If he was going to hurt her he would have already done it. A growl escaped her throat but she was too mad to take notice. Shane caught her eye and took an involuntary step back when he saw the fury on her face and the fire in her eyes. She was on him in an instant.
He saw her coming and braced himself with his legs as she pounced. He caught her about the waist, the force of her furious leap sending them both toppling over backward to the floor. Her nails scratched against his skin and when that got no response she then grabbed a handful of hair and pulled hard.
“Damn it, Blair! That hurts!” He grabbed her arms, which only made her fight harder, catching him by surprise and freeing one of her hands. It connected sharply with his cheek and he grunted before rolling her under him.
His weight held her, unmovable, on the floor. She struggled and squirmed beneath him, trying in vain to get loose. But then she heard him laughing.
He used her momentary break in focus to pin her arms with his own.
“What the hell is so funny?” she screeched up at him. Renewing her struggles, she tried to hold on to her anger in the face of his amusement, but he was adorable when he laughed and she felt it slipping away just as fast as it had come.
“I knew there was some feistiness in you somewhere!” He was full-blown laughing now and it was wonderful to watch. But she was still pissed at him. She was shocked he seemed happy she had tried to hurt him, but he hadn’t tried to hurt her back. Even when she had hit him.
“Are you done trying to beat me up?”
Blair contemplated and decided she wasn’t going to win this battle. “For the moment,” she said with a smile and he answered with another deep chuckle.
Her hand had left an imprint on his face and she felt sudden regret. She reached her hand out to soothe the reddened skin, trailing her fingers over it.
Then she noticed other things, like his hips resting between her legs and the heat of his body against hers. Her gaze caught and held his and the laughter on his face died a quick death. He rocked his hips ever so gently against hers and she felt the growing bulge there.
Heat pooled between her legs and all she wanted to do was wrap her arms and legs around him and feel everything he had to offer.
“The floor must be hard against your back,” he said as he released her and got nimbly to his feet. He held out a hand and she let him pull her up. Without his body covering hers, she was cold and started to shiver.
Blair wondered at the sharp stab of disappointment but she pushed it aside. There was nothing new there.
He wrapped her in his robe and within minutes he had a steaming cup of tea in her hands. It didn’t take her long to warm up with the combined heat and soon she was feeling much better.
He stood leaning against the kitchen counter, watching her intently. He was making her nervous, those green eyes of his unwavering.
“So? Start talking, Shane. Because honestly I’m still pissed off. Why the hell was I tied to your bed?” she threw at him. She was still mad but now that her anger had cooled she was feeling more tired by the second.
He smirked at her. “Pissed off, huh? I just figured you wouldn’t want to scar up your body like I did mine.”
Her mouth went dry and she stared at him slack-jawed. “What are you saying, Shane?” She felt a strange shiver go down her spine when he just stared at her.
“You know what I’m saying, Blair. You are a Shifter.”
She shook her head. “No, I can’t be.”
“You are.” His tone was firm, hard.
She didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t ready for this.
“Do you understand now, Blair?” he growled and she blinked up at him. His eyes had gone dark and fierce but she didn’t understand why he was angry with her.
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore, Shane.” He turned away from her then and she suddenly understood—his anger was just a defense mechanism. He had shared a secret with her and she had thrown it back in his face. He may be a Shifter but he was wrong about her.
Heaving a sigh at him, she set her cup down and stood. He was at her side in an instant.
“Are you all right?” he asked quietly.
She thought she was but as she stood for a second her knees threatened to give out on her and she swayed. Lifting her into his arms, he carried her to the couch and sat with her in his lap.
Blair knew she should protest him treating her like a child but she liked his arms around her too much to complain. Setting herself more comfortably in his lap, she rested her head on his shoulder and looked up at his face.
He was staring off across the room with unseeing eyes. “Shane?”
Shane glanced down at her and then released a large br
He realized too late he had broached the subject the wrong way. She had been through a lot in one night and he could see in her eyes that she wasn’t ready to believe him. She was ready to bolt and he was nowhere near ready to let her out of his sight.
A flash of her in her skimpy pink bra and panties when she was tied to his bed came to mind as her borrowed robe parted and he got another glimpse.
He wished now he had waited to talk to her until after she had gotten some rest. He should have realized after that amazing blowjob that nothing about Blair was going to be simple. It was stupid of him to think he could feel this burning heat with just anyone. He had tried that already.
But for her own safety he had to get her to understand she was a Shifter.
“I need you to believe me, Blair.”
Suddenly she jumped from his lap and before he knew her intent she was out the front door and running into the night.
Chapter Six
Blair ran for all she was worth. She covered the yard and field in no time at all and she thought for a moment that she might actually get away. But as soon as she hit the woods she heard a deep howl. He wasn’t far behind her.
Damn him anyway for interfering with her carefully constructed plan to live a quiet life. Seeing Shane as a wolf hadn’t made her frightened of him, it kind of made sense. But she was afraid of the reason why he had told her. All she saw were her careful plans shattering before her eyes. Everything was about to change.
It was so dark she didn’t know if she was even going the right way. Her legs were starting to burn and her side ached but she pressed on.
Her bare foot caught a root and she flopped to the forest floor. She was eternally thankful for the layer of leaves that broke her fall. Jumping back to her feet, she kept going until she could see the light from her front porch through the trees.
She burst from the tree line just as she heard the pounding of feet behind her. Pushing out her last ounce of speed to get across the yard, her hair and the robe streaming out behind her, she flew up the steps of her porch.
Grabbing the door handle, she screamed when she felt Shane’s human body pounce on her from behind and pin her to the door.
He was breathing heavily. “Why did you do that, Blair? I never meant to scare you. I just wanted you to see the truth. I know this Shifting thing is hard to process. You know I won’t hurt you, right?” he said as he turned her around to face him.
“I don’t know that, Shane!” But she did know that and she worried he could see the lie in her eyes.
“I want you to trust me Blair. What can I do to help that?”
“I don’t know.” She was having a hard time stringing thoughts together with his naked body pressed against hers.
He sighed and started to move away but she stopped him. “I just need some time, Shane. Can you give me that?”
He smiled down at her. “I’ll try.” Then his grin got even wider. “I have some ideas on how to clear your mind for a while.”
She sucked in a breath as his finger traced the cup of her bra and then down her side. It left no doubt what he had in mind.
“We barely know each other.” She tried to hold on to her sanity as he traced his fingers along her shoulder blade. But it felt so good and her body seemed to have a mind of its own.
His body eased back and she felt the cool air rush between them. His hands came to her shoulders and gently lifted her chin. He stared down at her out of those haunting green eyes and she knew then whatever her reasons for coming here had been, he was all she wanted in this moment.
“You’re right, we don’t know each other that well. But we can start fixing that right now.”
His fingers came up to tangle in her curls and tugged gently to pull her up against him. His mouth came down hard and heavy, demanding a response. She kissed him back, her tongue coming out to meet his and all she could think was, Finally.
Reaching down, he gripped her hips and lifted her to lock her legs around his naked waist. Turning the handle, Shane pushed the door open behind her and carried her inside, kicking it closed behind them.
His mouth never left hers as he made his way to her bedroom. Standing next to the bed, he held her to him tightly, cupping her ass in his big hands.
Blair let her feet drop to the floor and he pushed the robe off her shoulders, letting it fall forgotten somewhere behind them. He gave her a little push and she tumbled backward onto the bed. Giving her a quick, triumphant smile, he was on her before she could scoot back from the edge.
In nothing but her lacy pink bra and panties, she could feel his warm skin all over her. Kissing her again, he coaxed her tongue out of her mouth and sucked gently on it. Moaning, her hips rose to rub against his hard cock.
This crazy swell of need was new to her but Shane kept her focused on the moment.
His seeking fingers went to her back and, with a flick, released her breasts from her bra. Pulling the straps down her arms, he tossed it over his shoulder and out of the way.
Immediately he buried his face between her breasts, cupping them with his hands and pressing them to the stubble on his face. Her nipples immediately hardened and puckered. Moving back, he squeezed her breasts together and sucked on her nipples, back and forth, one to the other, until she was squirming and her panties were damp with want.
“Please, Shane,” she whispered.
“What, baby?” he asked, stopping to look at her flushed face.
“I need…” She didn’t know how to tell him what she wanted.
“I know, baby, but I still owe you,” he said with a wicked grin.
Hooking his thumbs in her panties, he pulled them down her legs and tossed them away too. Going to his knees beside the bed, he started at her toes and licked and nibbled his way up her leg.
Reaching the crease at the top of her thigh, he made her jump when he gave it one long lick. He pushed his hands under her legs and bent his arms to come around the top of her thighs, effectively holding her in place.
Blair felt her nerves stretch tight through the haze of desire for him. She didn’t know what to expect but Shane didn’t give her much time to think about it before she felt him kissing the dark-red patch of hair that hid her from him.
Working his way down, he was gentle, taking his time and letting her get used to the feeling of his face between her legs. Gradually she relaxed and her legs fell open.
But then he dove in, his open mouth covering her and his tongue delving into her swollen pink folds. Her hips tried to buck but he tightened his hold on her thighs, not letting her escape the intense feeling.
He licked and sucked, learning her and returning to the places that made her groan loudly. He paid attention to what movements of his tongue had her gasping for breath and promptly found her sweet spot.
Showing her no mercy, he flicked up and down until she was straining against his arms. Her back bowed and her fingers clutched the blanket under her.
Suddenly she exploded, her hips undulating against his still-busy mouth, lapping up her juices. It was incredible, unlike anything she had ever experienced before and she was lost in it.
Gradually the crashing waves inside her subsided and Shane kissed his way over her stomach and hips, releasing her legs and joining her on the bed.
Scooping her up, he moved her limp body up to the center of the bed and hovered over her on his arms. Her eyes locked with his and he licked his lips. “Baby, you taste great.”
She felt her face go pink at his words and he smiled before leaning down to swirl his tongue with hers and she tasted herself on his lips. Her hands reached out for his cock, hanging heavy and hard between them, running her fingers over the smooth skin.
“Shit,” he said, pulling away and reaching over the side of the bed to dig in his jeans. He came back to her with a condom in his hand, slipping it on quickly.
“I can’t wait anymore, Blair, are you ready for me?”
She was more than ready and she showed him by
reaching up and pulling his head to hers so she could run her tongue along the sensitive curve of his ear. He growled low in his throat, reminding her so much of her black wolf.
His hands went under her back to cup her ass and lift her hips to align with his. He laid his face in the curve of her neck and she could feel the hot air of his breath blowing on her.
Tenderly he pushed in, going inch by inch, giving her body time to open for him. She may not have much experience but she knew his size must be above average. He filled her until she could feel everything stretching and she worried for a moment he wouldn’t be able to fit all the way in.
He was so big that it hurt a little but he paused to kiss her and she relaxed, letting him slide the rest of the way home. He groaned in her ear and she lay still, savoring the intense feeling of being filled so fully and being so deeply connected to someone else.
After several minutes the pain disappeared and she lifted her legs to wrap them around his hips. She didn’t think it was possible but he slid in just a little farther and unknowingly she sunk her nails into his back.
Letting go of her ass, he lifted himself onto his elbows and gazed down at her with hooded eyes. Gently he pulled out halfway and then surged back in. He went slowly at first, only going halfway in and out, but gradually his strokes lengthened.
Before long Blair’s brain shut off and she was rocking her hips to meet him.
“Oh fuck, Blair! Are you ready now? Please tell me you are, I can’t hold back anymore!”
“Yes, Shane! Yes!” she moaned.
Lifting the rest of the way up on his arms, he strengthened his strokes, plunging into her over and over. Gripping his biceps, she held on for dear life as he rode her hard and fast.
The same tense feeling started building quickly and suddenly threw her over the edge, ripping a scream from her throat. Her body convulsed around him, clamping on his cock and driving him to his peak in an instant.
They were held suspended in time as their bodies came crashing together. Little by little the pleasure subsided and Shane collapsed heavily on top of her for a moment before rolling away and pulling her tightly into his arms. Which was exactly where she wanted to be.