UnleashingtheAnimal Read online
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Chapter Seven
Shane lay awake for a long time. He was sprawled on his back and trailing his fingers up and down Blair’s smooth back. She had been sleeping within minutes of curling up next to his side. She had thrown her arm and leg over him in her sleep and he couldn’t resist pulling her closer.
He realized now she could be his mate, but more than that he wanted her to be his mate. The long wait for him could be over and she would be with him, forever. All he needed now was for her to change so he would know for sure.
He wasn’t an overly romantic guy but that didn’t mean he was oblivious to the inevitable.
He was also starting to realize she had more baggage than she let on. She didn’t share much of herself and he figured it was just because of her uppity upbringing. Because there was no way she could hide the fact she came from wealth. It was obvious in everything she did.
Her jeans might be paint-stained but they were still designer and she wore little diamond studs in her ears that were probably worth more than his truck.
But now he wasn’t so sure it had anything to do with the money. It was more as if she was on guard all the time because she had to be.
Either way he wasn’t going to let her hide from this. He was tired of living a solitary existence and he was determined that those days were almost over. Fate wouldn’t be so cruel to dangle the possibility in front of him and then snatch it away. Or would it?
What really worried him was the reason why she was here in the middle of nowhere, living in a tiny, rustic cabin and fending for herself. Was she planning on going back? What had happened to scare her all the way out here?
His thoughts plagued him until the small hours of the morning before he finally fell into a restless sleep.
Blair awoke with the birds, as usual. She remained still for several minutes, enjoying the steady beat of Shane’s heart under her ear. Tilting her head just a little, she stared up at his face.
The stubble on his cheeks and chin had darkened in the night and his lashes seemed incredibly long resting on his face. She waited for those green eyes of his to open and focus on her but he continued to sleep.
Smiling a little when he snored lightly, she detangled her body from him and the sheets and got out of bed. Tossing on a robe, she went to the kitchen for coffee.
Her brain was a muddled mess and she needed to think things through. She hoped a jolt of caffeine would help clear her head.
She had never woken up with a naked man still in her bed and she couldn’t fight the urge to peek in on him once or twice before she took her coffee to the porch. Sitting in one of the two Adirondack chairs, she propped her feet on the railing.
Her mind exploded with thoughts of last night before she even took her first sip. Logically she realized it wasn’t possible for Shane to be a Shifter, those sorts of things only happened in the movies. But she certainly wasn’t going to deny what she had seen with her own eyes.
Sitting here with the lake sparkling and stretching out before her and the warm breeze blowing her hair, it didn’t seem so strange anymore. Mother Nature absolutely had her secrets and if Shane was one of them, she could do nothing but accept it.
She liked him, a lot. He wasn’t like the other men she had known. He didn’t care about the superficial stuff and he actually listened to her when she talked. Besides the fact he was also the sexiest man she had ever laid eyes on. He had awakened a part of her that she hadn’t even known existed.
She didn’t fear him as a man or a wolf and sex with him had been beyond her wildest fantasies. Just thinking about it now had her clenching her legs together in need.
Lost in her thoughts, she was caught off guard when Shane stepped out the open door to join her on the porch. He wore nothing but a pair of unbuttoned jeans and she soaked in the sight, never wanting to forget it. Somehow the scars on his chest only made him hotter.
“Morning,” he said, leaning against the railing next to her feet.
“Morning.” She was trying very hard not to feel awkward around him but the image of his face between her legs refused to leave her mind.
“Can I have some of that?” he asked, gesturing to her coffee.
“Oh of course. Let me get you some.” Getting to her feet, she tried to get past him but he caught her about the waist. Taking the cup from her hand, he took a sip from the same spot she had. It caused butterflies to erupt in her stomach.
“It’s good, thanks.” He handed her back her cup.
“You’re welcome.” He caught her eyes and she quickly lowered hers.
“Look, Blair, we really do need to talk.”
Just then she heard her cell ringing sharply in the house and she got up to go in and answer it without looking at the display.
“Blair, I thought you were going to call me last night?” her mother began without preamble. Blair sighed and plopped on the couch.
“I’m sorry, Mother, I was busy.” She smiled to herself as she thought about what she had been busy doing. But she certainly couldn’t tell her she spent half the night having mind-blowing sex with her sexy and not-so-rude neighbor.
“Busy? Playing with your paints again?”
“No.” Oh god! she thought. Why hadn’t I said yes?
Just then Shane came in and the screen door slammed behind him. “Blair? Let’s go for a walk.”
Blair waved her hand at him, trying to get him to stop talking. Praying her mother hadn’t heard him.
“Blair? Who was that?” she heard in her ear.
“It’s a friend. I have to go. I’ll call you later.” Quickly Blair hung up with her mother before she could start in with the never-ending questions, glancing over at Shane as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest, looking back at her.
“Was that your mother again?” he asked.
“What do you mean, again?”
“I was here the other night as a wolf when she called.”
“Oh.” She did remember now but she hadn’t made the connection.
“Why didn’t you just tell her about us?”
Blair had really hoped he wouldn’t ask her that.
“What am I supposed to say, Shane?”
“I don’t know, but I think we are a little more than friends.”
“Maybe we are but my mother would never understand.”
He was quiet for a second, his brow drawn together. “I think I see, you mean she would never understand you being with a simple boat builder.”
He was right and she didn’t have the heart to say it out loud. Just thinking about how her parents would cut into him verbally made her feel dirty. He took her silence as agreement and stalked back out on the porch.
Taking a deep breath, she knew they weren’t done. They still had other things to discuss and it seemed her life had never been more complicated. Getting up, she went out to join him on the porch.
“Okay, Shane. Let’s get it over with.” She would tell him she was fine with him being a Shifter and then they wouldn’t have to discuss it anymore.
“Let’s go for a walk,” he said as he pulled her into his arms, holding her for a moment before releasing her.
She went inside and got dressed, meeting Shane on the porch when she was ready to go.
He took her hand and laced their fingers as they strolled across the yard and to the water’s edge. Finding a spot in the grass, he sat and pulled her down to sit between his legs, pulling her back against him.
“Shane, I want you to know I’m sorry for running away from you last night.” She kept her eyes on the water before them. “It frightened me but I’m all right now.”
He was quiet for a second and then, “So, you accept the fact that I’m a Shifter?”
“Just like that?” he said in disbelief.
She felt him release a big breath in relief. “What about you?” he asked quietly.
“What about me?” She turned so she co
uld look at him.
“What about you being a Shifter? How do you feel about that?”
Blinking up at him, she said, “I’m not a Shifter.”
She watched his green eyes go hard and determined. “You are.”
Pulling away from him, she jumped to her feet. “That’s crazy! I am not!”
He stood and reached for her. “Take it easy.”
Slapping his hands away, she glared at him. She didn’t understand why he couldn’t leave well enough alone.
“Blair, when I found you in the woods last night you were well into the first phase of changing. I’m not sure why it’s hit you so late in life but I know what I saw.”
He couldn’t be right. She couldn’t be what he said. She backed away from him and she felt that familiar swell within her, her heart starting to race and her hands shaking. She needed one of her pills, it was too much, hitting her stronger and faster than ever before.
Turning, she took off running across the yard and into the cabin. She knew Shane was right behind her but she ignored him, rummaging in drawers, looking for her pill bottle. Finally she found it and struggled with the top before it popped open and the little pills went flying across the kitchen floor.
Dropping to her knees, she grabbed the nearest one and went to put it in her mouth. A strong hand on her arm stopped her, taking the pill from her clenched fingers.
“What the hell are these?” She didn’t understand why but Shane was angry.
“Give it back please. I need them.”
“That’s not what I asked, Blair. What are they?”
“They’re to help with my anxiety, it’s just a mild sedative.” She reached for another and again he stopped her.
“How long have you been taking these?” He grabbed the now empty bottle and read the front.
“I don’t know, Shane!” The strange feeling was getting stronger and she worried what would happen if she didn’t take one soon. There had never been a delay before, her mother always ready with one in her hand.
“Holy shit,” he mumbled and scooped her off the kitchen floor. Taking her to the living room, he sat on the couch and held her in place on his lap with strong arms when she struggled to get free.
“Blair, calm down. I know what you are feeling and it will pass soon,” he said gently.
“No one knows what it feels like!” She was holding onto a fraying rope and she didn’t want to lose her grip. But her voice was choked with tears.
“I know it seems that way but it’s not true. I do know what it feels like. Your body is just getting ready for your first change. I went through it alone. At least you have me.”
There was pain in his voice and she looked up at him, sinking in the depth of his eyes. Suddenly she remembered the night before in vivid detail. Going for a walk and the searing pain spreading in her body. Green eyes and a wet nose nudging her. Then the cold forest floor and the sensation of being carried in the rain.
“You found me last night as the wolf, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, then I carried you back to my place.” His finger played with her hair, soothing her. “When I was eighteen I left home to travel across the country. I didn’t know what was going on when I started going through the change. I was camping alone in the desert when I changed that first time. The pain was…well, you know what it’s like and I didn’t want you to be alone and afraid.”
Blair laid her head on his chest and let him continue, “I care about you, Blair, and I didn’t want you to live with the same scars I have, and not all of them are on the outside. Well, that and the fact I like your body just the way it is.”
It wasn’t what she had expected him to say and she felt a great swell of gratitude toward him for not leaving her. Even though it had obviously brought painful memories to the surface for him. She had feelings for him, too, but it was all too confusing at the moment and she couldn’t bring herself to say the words out loud. Catching him by surprise, she leaned up and kissed him, quickly, but that didn’t make it less potent. She ran her fingers down his cheek. “Thank you.”
He smiled down at her. “Sure, but I didn’t do it just for you.”
Blair realized she was feeling fine and hadn’t taken one of her pills.
“Shane, why didn’t you want me to take my medicine?”
“I think they are why you have never changed before. How long have you been taking them?”
“I’m not sure. Years,” she answered.
“Shit.” Moving her off his lap, he got up to pace to the window. “Somehow they suppressed your natural instincts to shift.” Coming back to drop to his haunches before her, he said, “Promise me you won’t take them again.”
“Shane, they are prescribed by a doctor.” And she really didn’t want to contemplate too closely that he may be right.
“I don’t care! Screw what the doctor says. It’s important. Promise me.”
If he was going to be around then maybe she didn’t really need them. For the first time she had gotten through one of her attacks without help from the chemical. “Okay, fine. I won’t.”
“Good. Come on, let’s make breakfast. I’m hungry.” He grinned down at her and she was glad she had made him happy with her promise. After all, she didn’t want to take them anyway. It was a new feeling for her. She wasn’t used to caring for someone else. She loved her parents but they had lived their own lives and she hers, together but separate.
They made breakfast together and Shane walked back to his place, telling her he had a couple hours of work to do and he would be back. Blair went immediately to her easel and was quickly absorbed in painting her black wolf.
She spent the day finishing her painting and she didn’t take a break until the shadows were long on the yard. Stepping back, she was pleased with the results—it looked just like him.
Deciding she would cook dinner for both of them, she rummaged around in the freezer and took out some steaks. Thawing them in the microwave, she hummed to herself as she peeled potatoes.
She hadn’t spent much time thinking about what Shane had told her that morning. But that was typical for her, she could easily block out the things she didn’t want to face. However, she had a feeling Shane wasn’t going to let this go.
She wondered if she would turn into a wolf like Shane. What would she look like? How would it feel? How did she change when she wanted to, like he did?
Knowing she didn’t have to face it alone was enough to ease her mind. While she was setting the table her cell rang. Glancing over at the screen, she saw it was her mother and she let it go to voicemail without a second’s hesitation. Like she had the last four times she had called that day.
Turning dinner down low, she puttered around while she waited for Shane. In the distance she heard the howl of a wolf and she couldn’t resist a smile. He was coming.
Chapter Eight
They ate dinner, talking about nothing and everything. But they steered clear of the topic that was foremost in both their minds. After they cleaned up their plates, Shane took her outside to gaze at the lake in the moonlight. They wandered together down to the shore.
The moon was full and bright in the sky and she felt a strange prickling sensation as she stared up at it.
Shane seemed to read her thoughts. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?”
“Yes.” It was a sigh on her lips. The moon had always captivated her.
Shane came up behind her, his arms wrapping around her shoulders. Leaning against his warm chest, she felt peace steal over her.
Blair turned in his arms, running her hands up his chest and over his shoulders, liking the difference in size between them. She felt protected with him near.
Shane stared down at her in the moonlight. She was beautiful and her amber eyes glowed out here in the darkness. It was the first full moon since she had been living here and he vowed to stay by her side and see the wolf she would become.
She smelled so good, like shampoo and their dinner. But there was something e
lse there too. Something that called to the wolf and for the first time in years he felt his control slipping.
He let her explore his chest as long as he could. Each scrape of her nails through his shirt was a sweet form of torture.
He wanted to claim her, make her his for always. He wanted to sink himself deep in all the places she had to offer until there was no longer any doubt she was his. The thought of claiming every part of her body had him hard and aching in seconds.
When he could take no more of her teasing, he stopped her the best way he knew how. He kissed her. Stealing her breath away and dipping his tongue into her mouth for a taste.
Her body sagged into his arms, her breasts flattening on his chest, and he held her weight as if it were nothing.
Bracing with his legs, he brought his hands up to tangle his fingers in her long hair. It felt like silk sliding through his hands and the curls in it weaved around his fingers as if they wanted to be there. He didn’t think he would ever get tired of touching her silky hair.
Abruptly Blair broke her mouth away and pushed at his chest. He immediately released her somewhat, letting her pull back enough that he could see her face. What was written there had sweat breaking out on his brow.
It was time. Finally he would know the truth. Her emotions were running high and there would be no delaying the change now. Holding her tight, he glanced around them. At least they were outside so she wouldn’t be confined by walls.
He felt her slim body start to shake, her panicky face staring up at him.
“It’s okay, Blair, don’t fight it. It will be over soon.”
His words penetrated her mind and she jerked out of his arms and shook her head no as she backed up.
“No, Shane. I don’t want this!”
“I know, baby, but you don’t have a choice.” He tried to placate her.
He could see her body trembling from where he stood several feet away. The first time was always the worst and he wished she wouldn’t pull away from him.